Sunday, May 31, 2009

Create a Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-Take typography one step further by having text falling from the sky in a burning inferno. Yes, this is the text-on-fire tutorial to end all tutorials. It uses a little Illustrator for the text and a lot of Photoshop to burn up the screen!

Creating a Stunning Digital Smoke Effect Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-Some time ago I came up with a technique to create digital smoke using the Liquify filter in Photoshop. Although it was a simple and efficient way to achieve that sort of effect, people sent me emails asking how to customize it or that it wasn’t so easy to follow.

Photoshop Tutorials - Decorating Text Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-Here we learn lots of techniques on decorating text like using textures, brushes and patterns. Pick and mix which techniques you use or just try all of them and end up Keeping your text simple but still having it stand out is an art in itself.

Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial

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View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-One of the best sites around for desktops has to be Desktopography. I've been inspired by their amazing work, so today we are going to put together a sunset image mixing some vector shapes and dusky lighting effects to produce a slick image that would make a nice album cover for a chillout mix!

Transparent Glass Lettering in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-In this tutorial, we're going to use some super layer effects and a bit of extra magic to make a lettering style that looks transparent and stunning. Because there is so much use of layer styles, you need to download the sample PSD from the link at the bottom of the tutorial in order to follow along.

Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-This tutorial is about making a "mac" style background. You can use these in all sorts of situations, including the obvious --your desktop-- as well as part of your designs or for corporate work (Powerpoint presentations, Flash work, etc). Naturally, you wouldn’t want to use this exact set of steps, but following them will give you a good idea of the technique. Good luck!

Creating a Stunning Old-World Look in Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-In this tutorial, we are going to create a sort of old-worldy composition featuring a compass and making use of some awesome vector artwork from Arsenal. As always there is a PSD file at the bottom of the tutorial. In this instance, I would highly recommend downloading it as this is quite a complex composition. Be warned this is a LONG tutorial!

Advanced Glow Effects Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-In this tutorial, we're going to create some really sharp-looking glow effects using a combination of layer styles, the Pen Tool and Color Blending. The end effect is quite stunning and hopefully you'll pick up some tips you didn't know before.

Create a Jaguar Style Folder Icon Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-In this tutorial, we will show you how to cover an object in a Jaguar style fur texture. In this example, we'll cover a computer folder, but this technique can be used with any other object, like a CD cover, a mouse, or even a computer.

Create a Magic Crystal Ball Photoshop Tutorial

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View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-How to create a Magic Crystal Ball with some nice light effects and textures happening.

Digitally Paint a Fantasy Tree Scene Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-Learn how to make a fantasy scene using only standard photoshop brushes. In this tutorial, I describe the basics of color and light theory. With this tutorial, you will paint eye-catching illustration in less than two hours.

The final image is a fairly realistic looking scene, where the tree is uprooted and floating in the sky. All You need for this tutorial is Photoshop and a precise mouse. This could be a difficult work for those, who are just starting with photoshop, but everybody can try it for themselves.

Design a Glossy Download Icon Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-The difficulty in designing web graphics is not so much in the actual execution of the design, but more in the planning of it. At the same time you want the graphic to be eye-catching, yet smooth and small enough so it doesn't dominate your layout. This tutorial will teach you how to create a graphic that does just that.

Digitally Paint a Fantasy Tree Scene Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-Learn how to make a fantasy scene using only standard photoshop brushes. In this tutorial, I describe the basics of color and light theory. With this tutorial, you will paint eye-catching illustration in less than two hours.

The final image is a fairly realistic looking scene, where the tree is uprooted and floating in the sky. All You need for this tutorial is Photoshop and a precise mouse. This could be a difficult work for those, who are just starting with photoshop, but everybody can try it for themselves.

Design a Glossy Download Icon Photoshop Tutorial

View The Tutorial At Photoshop Wisdom-The difficulty in designing web graphics is not so much in the actual execution of the design, but more in the planning of it. At the same time you want the graphic to be eye-catching, yet smooth and small enough so it doesn't dominate your layout. This tutorial will teach you how to create a graphic that does just that.